Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

We built a beautiful home south of Denver, my husband's happy place. I am still a California girl but we couldn't find anywhere there we could afford that was out of the path of fire. Colorado is great. It's the general national environment that is tough to take, the complications of general life, filing taxes and feeing like the government sees us all as crooks, getting scammed daily, school shootings, supermarket shootings, disregard and mistrust. You know...

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It's so exhausting isn't it?

I too mourn for the California that was not entirely expensive or dangerously close to a natural disaster. Come visit, I have a guest room. xx

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Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Thank you. We will! We spent a lovely holiday there last spring. It was only a 3.5 hour fast train ride from Bonn, but worlds away in terms of things to do.

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Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

S.S. Great to hear from you when your site suddenly (for me) jumped to life, with you in a wonderful new place, a place we all have such great memories of over the years. Is there any coincidence that you arrive and an Olympics starts this summer? Paris is a little less bright for us now that Sandy Burton is gone, but still it was glorious last year when we made a stop. We look forward to seeing you there. Trust me, you never know how many long lost best friends you have until you move to Paris or --in our case--London.. But starting all over in a new place for another chapter in life is a good thing. Warmest regards, Barry and Nga

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Barry and Nga! Happy to see you are in the comments! Oh, it's true, so many memories here, and still so many friends here. And I can't wait to see you over here. And thanks for the good wishes. xx

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Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

You had to leave so that we could have you back! Missed you.

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So kind, thank you.

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Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Best of luck Susanna. I’m excited to be with you in this new chapter!

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Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Susanna, this is wonderful! ❤️❤️❤️

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Hi Steph! Thank you for the kind words, and for our conversation last month. It got my poor old writer brain revved up. We must make a plan for our projects.. xx

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Mar 18Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Wow! I admire (and envy) your bravery

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Thanks Nan. I wake up scared some days... but no turning back unless the French government kicks me out.

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Mar 17Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

I'm glad I left Brooklyn. Why ? Crime, cold, violence, defaults, sun disappears for days on end, subway to Manhatten could be your last ride, ... etc. A wonderful place to grow up, and even more wonderful to leave. When did I leave 1978. Have the reasons really changed any ? I'm so happy you left, there's no going back. Best of all possible worlds.

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Thanks Bruce! Here's hoping I can make it stick. Tune in for mone fun next week. Susanna

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Really looking forward to hearing about your adventure in the city we would live in if we were not so rooted in New York.

And thank you also for introducing me to the exquisite Portuguese word saudade.

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I'm so glad. I hope you are able get back here to refuel. And thank you for reading, s

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And Paris was never the same again

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Mar 21Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Congratulations on your third act! I remember that new-city feel… I left Brooklyn for Berlin 16 years ago to create and perform electronic music. It’s been an excellent wild ride :) Looking forward to hearing your adventure!

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Thanks so much Natalia. We should start collecting these Brooklyn expat stories. I actually lived in Berlin till I was almost 5 years old. My dad was from Berlin. I hope to get back there in the next year. It's another magical city. S

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Mar 20Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Have you ever read Julio Cortazar's "Hopscotch"?

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No, but now that I've looked it up, I want to! Thanks for the recco

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Loved your piece. . I am in Italy AGAIN for 3 months, hoping this time I will pull the trigger and move here. I have been called by the siren song of Italy my whole life. I am a very young 76, traveling to ten cities, 6 regions, with a small dog and two suitcases. I just stayed in a place on the Amalfi coast with 140 stone steps. I clearly have to be out of my mind but this truly is my happy place. Buon fortunato e bonne chance.

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Thanks so much for the kind words, Rachelle. Your itinerary sounds magnificent. May you never stop being a part the two suitcases and a dog club.

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Mar 20Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Congratulations! I'll be following along every step of the way. I am sorry I didn't get to see you before you left. Brooklyn will miss your sparkle.

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Thanks Love, I'll be back lots so we will see each other, here or there. Hugs to you and yours from here, S

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Mar 20Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

Susanna, loved reading this. I for one am not the least surprised at your bravery because that’s how you’ve always lived your life. I’m looking at a transition too, and yours is an inspiration.

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Hey Jamie, so happy to see your name here. And thank you for the kind words. Have had lots of sleepless second-doubt nights, but now that I'm here... it feels completely normal. So leap if you can. S

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Mar 19Liked by Susanna Schrobsdorff

your dog clearly has their priorities in place. Bread first, then whatever else.

Have fun, be safe, learn the language, enjoy

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Haha, thanks so much.

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I am personally invested in this brave new exciting journey! who wouldn’t love to up sticks and move to Paris 😍

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Thanks Nicole. Also: I love the expression "up sticks"!

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Oh just googled her origins and seems its very British 😂


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