This story saddens me somewhat - yes it is hard to accept (sometimes) that I have lived more years in the past than I will in the future but I also feel that I still have so much living left to do. The constant need to keep reliving our youth and never grow old is exhausting and I refuse to buy into it. It's taken a lot of hard work, hard hits and sometimes more tears than I would have liked to get to where I am now but I have earned this place where I am now and I am going to embrace it. I don't need to be young (biologic age) again but I sure as heck plan to live like I am going to live forever. If we could all only reach a point where we embrace the beauty and gifts that we are given at any point in time and simply celebrate the moment of now.

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Hi Deb, I think that's the word, "exhausting" and some might say, impossible... Though I do take Patti Smith as a role model on the being yourself right on through. But she was always herself. I on the other hand have tried to bend myself to various expectations of work and men, and well, there is some peace in not worrying about that as much. The clarity of now, yes, yes, yes. Best, s

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Would we all were palindromes! (not only in name, but also in time)

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Interesting story, about the concert! Well... at leaves you (me, at any rate), mellow, contemplative, just a good feeling--we all need those!

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Yeah, we can choose how we enter each phase, there's no template. :)

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